Starting with HTML5

Posted by Anantha Narayanan On 12:22 PM No comments

Section 1: HTML5 basics

What is the point of learning Grails (or any other web framework) if you don't know basic HTML. In this age of HTML5, I am starting to learn HTML5 the old fashioned way, self-learning.

I will be sharing my learning to all those who want it. This is really basic stuff.

The following is the simplest of simple valid HTML5 page you will create yourself.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World</title>
<h1>My first HTML5 Document</h1>

Yes, you heard it right, you don't need a <head> or <body> etc. tags to call your document a valid HTML5 document. The browsers now-a-days (except IE) are smart enough to identify that <title> is the title of the document, and <h1> has to be printed within the body.

If you doubt that the above code is not a valid HTML5, be my guest and copy the code and paste it in the validator.

This is the first thing you must know about HTML5.

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